Monday, July 15, 2013

Temporary Art

Temporary Art: Create with the Banal

My life in suburbs

recently realized that I spent most of my life in suburbs. I'm a real mix with the city guy that my father WAS (now is living in the country) and my mom who was a pure country girl (LOZERE i'm sure nobody heard about this place in USA!)
Now I'm leaving in USA with my delicious boo in Bayside, a suburb in Qeens (NY.)
I think more and more people live in suburb in the world. Living downtown in the big cities is more and more expensive but it is still where there are most of the jobs.

Temporary Art: Create with the Banal

So I photograph suburb most of the time, because nothing is more banal than that. I always thought the challenge of creativity is creating with your closest environment. I judge the quality of a photographer by his ability to create with banality. I started to think that when I discover the PHOTOGRAPHER HENRI CARTIER BRESSON. Actually nothing is banal if you know to see the moment. You're going to tell me that I didn't take pictures of people that much lately, I will tell you that you have no idea how the most banal thing is sensitive to the changes of light. Sometimes I try to use the same ingredients thinking I will have something similar, it is never, NEVER the same.

Nothing is more constant than change

The artist it is someone crazy who has an obsession, all the time, he's going to go back again and again on his idea, re-doing the same work again and again. For people the artist seems to do the same thing, it is not, if a musician can play the same melody hundred times,

it's because he's hearing obvious differences  Actually nothing is more constant than change in the most tiny things, in the most banal things of this world, even in suburb.

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